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Jan 18, 2024

“Once we got the client to agree, they set a budget of $2,500. And over the course of a single month, we were able to generate over $43,000 in sales.”

Case Study

The Challenge:

With a laser-like focus on serving contractors in the home improvement industry, North Carolina-based FatCat Strategies knows what it takes to get high-value leads. Paid search, SEO, email marketing, and social media—they’re all important pieces of the puzzle. But what really counts is experience, expertise, and a winning strategy.

One client, a bathroom remodeling company, had already seen great results from FatCat’s SEO and paid search services. However, they were looking to expand into a new lead channel. And despite FatCat’s proven track record, the client was hesitant to follow the agency's recommendation and commit much budget to social media advertising.

So, they compromised—a low-stakes ($2,500) month-long trial campaign. If the results are favorable, they’d invest more. If not, they’d simply move on.

The challenge for FatCat Strategies then was three-fold:

  1. Generate high-quality leads via social media
  2. Prove their value by tracking the earned revenue
  3. Get valuable insights to improve future campaigns

The Approach:

“The ability to see where leads are coming from—what source, what landing page, what keyword, what campaign—adds the level of proof we need to better shape our strategies and budget recommendations going forward.”

The first step of FatCat’s strategy was to generate leads for their client over social media. Their plan was to use a three-pronged approach for the campaign:

  • Targeting an audience that’s converted for similar clients before
  • Creating a unique, attractive, and time-sensitive promotion
  • Generating highly visual ads (e.g., before and after remodeling photos)

This was a proven process that worked in the past, and FatCat was confident it’d work again.

Step two was tracking revenue. For this, they’d use the data capture and lead tracking capabilities of WhatConverts. Each lead that flowed in would be tracked, and if they became a customer, FatCat could see that sales value within the tool. As a result, they could put hard revenue numbers on specific channels, landing pages, and even ads.

Finally, step three was learning from success. WhatConverts was integral during this step as well. FatCat could quickly and easily determine which ads were performing and siphon budget away from the low-performers. On top of that, they could gather audience insights (e.g., lead quality based on zip code) that would prove invaluable for refining their targeting strategies.

The Result:

“WhatConverts allowed us to expand our client’s budget and open the door to a new marketing channel. We were able to show (with proof) the benefit of putting budget there. And with new clients, we’re able to say, ‘These are the results we’ve earned for similar businesses, so you should try it.’”

The trial campaign was a massive success. From the $2,500 the client was willing to invest in this channel, FatCat generated 30 qualified leads which led to over $43,000 in sales—a more than 17X ROI.

The client was so impressed, they opted to increase their Facebook budget by 60%. FatCat was then able to use the valuable targeting insights learned from this campaign to continue improving on their success.

Last but not least, FatCat used this client’s success story to bring more skeptical clients on board, giving them the confidence they needed to invest in FatCat’s proven social marketing abilities.

Results Highlights

  • Achieved a more than 17X ROI
  • Client increased social media budget by 60%
  • Opened up a new marketing channel and used success story to bring new clients on board

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Alex Thompson

Alex Thompson is a professional copywriter and content writer with a passion for turning complex ideas into digestible, educational content that keeps readers engaged. He specializes in content marketing, SEO, and B2B marketing.

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