We may have cracked the code on marketing reports that your clients will actually read! Finally, your clients are reading...
Field mapping lets you organize and report on your lead data using custom fields collected from your online forms. Here's...
To truly stand out as a marketing agency, you need to be a partner, not a vendor. See how this...
Understanding where spam/duplicate leads are coming from lets clever marketers spot optimization opportunities. Here's how to do it.
Three marketing attribution problems are stealing the credit marketing agencies deserve. Here's how to solve them.
Customer Value Reporting lets you see the total value (sales or quote) that your client's customers have generated. Here's how...
Custom Fields let you add more relevant data to leads and fine-tune the Lead Manager to show the data you...
Learn how one agency automated much of the LSA lead dispute process and earned $18K in refunds along the way.
Timeline View Reporting makes it easy to spot new trends, identify peak seasons, and get time-based insights in just a...
See how one North Carolina agency convinced a skeptical client that quality leads can come from social media (with the...
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