Avatar photo Michael Cooney
Mar 19, 2020

WhatConverts lets you capture every lead along with valuable information about the lead. Many people need this information; yourself, your marketing team, agency teams and clients.  The more people that have access to lead data, the more opportunities there are for the team to benefit from the data and update it to ensure accuracy.

In our latest product update, WhatConverts has given every account more control over who can access valuable lead data. You can also now restrict user's access to certain segments of lead data.

For agencies, you might want clients to see leads and reports, but not billing or account settings. For in-house marketers, you might want salespeople to see lead data, but not marketing reports. You can customize access permissions for every user, so the right people see the right data.

Let's dive into the details.

Full Dashboard with Full Access:

Below is a screenshot of a user with access to the full menu for their WhatConverts account. If you look at the second image, you'll see where it's possible to simplify the menu by limiting access to certain part of the data.

Limited Access to 'Leads' Only Example

In this example, the user only has access to the list of leads and lead information. This view is perfect for salespeople, who only need access to the contact information so they can edit or update it, like in a CRM.

Setting Up User Roles

You can now create user roles and give each user role a defined set of accesses and permissions. There are 2 levels of user roles.

  1. Master Account User (Access to multiple account management features)
  2. Account User (Only can access features in individual accounts)

Let's take a look at the two types of roles, and then we'll explain how to assign your people to roles with various levels of access and permissions.

Here are the different features the Master Account User can have access to.

Account Users only have permission to access certain features within individual accounts. You can give Account Users access to features within multiple accounts, but they won't have access to management features within these accounts, such as Billing.

Here are the different features Account Users can have access to:

Assigning Different Job Titles to Predefined Roles

What might user roles look like at an agency? Here's an example:

  • PPC Specialist
    • Role: Account User
    • Permissions: 'edit' permissions on tracking, leads and reports
  • Agency Account Manager
    • Role: Master Account User
    • Permissions: 'edit' permission on everything
  • Sales Rep
    • Role: Account User
    • Permissions: 'edit' permissions on leads
  • Agency Client
    • Role: Account User
    • Permissions: 'view' permission on leads and reports

Assigning User Roles

Now that we've rolled out these new User Roles, you can assign individual users to these roles. When a user gets assigned to a role, that user has the predefined access and permissions setup that accompanies that role.

Click here for a video on setting up User Roles and Permissions 

  • Account User Role.
    • Assign a user to this role if they only needs access to one or multiple individual accounts.

We created these new user roles and permissions to help our clients extract more value from their lead data. When the right people have access to the right data sets, everyone benefits.

Click here for a video on setting up User Roles and Permissions 

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Michael Cooney

Michael Cooney is a co-founder of WhatConverts. Connect with him on Twitter or via email at michael.cooney@whatconverts.com.

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