Avatar photo Michael Cooney
Feb 24, 2016

Your feedback as a customer helps us decide what new features WhatConverts needs. Our mission is to give you the complete marketing picture and show you exactly what marketing channels convert. It's in our name.


A common request has been to identify Unique and Repeat leads. This functionality is now live and can be used in the following areas:

  • Dashboard - The bar chart now displays Unique and Repeat leads by day.
  • Leads - A status column has been added to the leads list display whether the lead is Unique or Repeat.
  • Reports - A selection button has been added to all reports to toggle data between All leads and Unique leads.
  • Google Analytics - When we send phone call, web form or any other events to Google Analytics, these events are identified as Repeat or Unique.

If you notice a discrepancy in unique events between WhatConverts and Google Analytics, this is due to our date range philosophies. WhatConverts looks at all time, but Google Analytics looks at the selected date range or defaults to unique within a 30 day period.

Lead Management

We're really excited with our lead management additions. They may seem like small changes, but the joy and insights we get from sorting and filtering leads makes us a little giddy. We're channeling our inner marketing geek.

We have 2 new features that will allow you to manage your leads at lightning speed.

Lead Filtering

Lead Filtering

In your dashboard and leads tab, you'll find a new row in the list of leads where you can filter leads through drop downs or enter text. Enter 'cpc' in the medium column, we'll show you only the leads originating from 'cpc' ads. You'll also see a count of the leads on top.

In reports, you can now click to view leads from specific traffic source and filters will automatically be applied.

Lead Sorting

Sorting leads helps find, qualify and quantify leads using numerical, alphabetical or duration lead sorting. Most companies don't qualify their leads as they come in. Now, at the end of the month you can sit down and sort leads by company name or contact name and identify any leads that became prospects or sales. Add a quote or sales value and our reporting become really powerful. Viewing marketing channels by quoted value is eye opening, and really easy.

We have updated our demo video that will show you these features in action.

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Michael Cooney

Michael Cooney is a co-founder of WhatConverts. Connect with him on Twitter or via email at michael.cooney@whatconverts.com.

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