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Feb 13, 2015

Marketing is extremely powerful, sadly only a few will truly know that power.

Imagine standing on one side of a frozen icy river. It's early in the morning, no one else is around, there is fresh snow from last night.

If you could just walk across the icy river, you would save yourself a lot of time, effort and ensure you secure lucrative business.

You begin tentatively walking out on the frozen river, unsure if the ice can support your weight. You take one tentative step, breathe a sigh of relief, you can feel you heart beat in your ears.  The snow crunches under your shoe, another step, you look back to make sure you are within reach if the ice cracks. Carefully listening for the sound of creaking ice.  Then another step, a fall through the ice could be fatal.

One more step, a deep hollow icy crack reverberates through your feet. You freeze in position, your heart is pounding. You have a choice:

  1. Turn around and head back to safety.
  2. Proceed with a guarantee of securing life-changing business waiting on the other side.


Would you risk your life for the chance of securing life-changing business?

Before you make that choice, what if I gave you one little bit of information? Yesterday, this very same river was used by the local kids to ice skate.

Would your choice be different with this new piece of information?

Many businesses spend money on advertising tentatively. They stride out and spend money on a marketing campaign, they stop wait and listen. Did it work? Did I make money? Not sure, they take another tentative step, spend a little more stop wait listen. At this point, the risk is too great for many and they turn back to safety, they choose to take the longer route to business success.


What if someone gave you some key information, some missing marketing data that showed you if you continued on this path you would secure lucrative business? Would this allow you to stride out further and secure business that would have been lost if you turned back?

Deciding on marketing budgets with large chunks of data missing, is risky.

We built WhatConverts to fill in the missing marketing data, the key information that ensures your companies safety. Companies with large advertising budgets already have this missing data, they know the measurable outcome of their ad spend.

WhatConverts makes the same technology available that is simple and at an affordable price.

Try it for free and track the revenue generated from your ad spend and traffic sources.

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Michael Cooney

Michael Cooney is a co-founder of WhatConverts. Connect with him on Twitter or via email at michael.cooney@whatconverts.com.

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