Every business uses many software tools to make their business better, and there isn't one software that does it all so we have to integrate with each other. We now have 3 ways to integrate WhatConverts data with other platforms.
Our API gives you access to data within your WhatConverts account. Through the API you can send and receive leads and lead details to and from your software applications.
You can learn more about using APIs here.
The leads resource in the API allows you to retrieve, edit, and add leads.
See the API Documentation here »
Webhooks allow you to be notified in real-time when a new lead comes into your account. Webhook data includes all details about a lead and are sent in a single POST request as JSON to a URL you specify.
Getting started with Webhooks »
Zapier is a tool for primarily non-technical users to connect together web apps. An integration between two apps is called a Zap. A Zap is made up of a Trigger and an Action. Whenever the trigger happens in one app, Zapier will automatically perform the action in another app.
WhatConverts allows you to integrate with 500+ application using Zapier as a third party data connector. You can do so by utlizing pre defined triggers and actions from WhatConverts. This will allow you to push and pull your data to almost any other application you need.
Head over to Zapier and click on "Accept Invite & Go To Dashboard" invite to get started.
Michael Cooney is a co-founder of WhatConverts. Connect with him on Twitter or via email at michael.cooney@whatconverts.com.
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