
The roles resource allows you to retrieve user roles.

Roles Instance Resources

GET/api/v1/rolesGet a paginated list of details for all roles.
GET/api/v1/roles/{role_id}Get details about a single role.

Get All Roles

Get a paginated list of details for all roles.

Resource Details


Supported Parameters

roles_per_pagenumberNumber of roles to return for this request (default 25, maximum 250).No
page_numbernumberPage number to return for this request.No
orderstringOrder in which to return the roles by name; (default) asc or desc.No
role_typestringRole type to return for this request; (default) master_account or account user.No

Response Details

roles_per_pagenumberThe number of roles returned in the request.
page_numbernumberThe current page number in the request.
total_pagesnumberThe total amount of pages available in the request.
total_rolesnumberThe total amount of roles available in the request.
rolesarrayContains all the requested roles.
role_idnumberUnique identifier for the role.
role_typestringThe type of role. master_account_role or account_role
role_namestringThe name of the role.

Example Response

      "page_number": 1,
      "roles_per_page": 25,
      "total_pages": 2,
      "total_roles": 45,
      "roles": [
          "role_id": 42390328,
          "role_type": "master_account_role",
          "role_name": "Administrator"

Get Single Role

Get details for specific role.

Resource Details


Supported Parameters

No supported parameters.

Response Details

roles_per_pagenumberThe number of roles returned in the request.
page_numbernumberThe current page number in the request.
total_pagesnumberThe total amount of pages available in the request.
total_rolesnumberThe total amount of roles available in the request.
rolesarrayContains all the requested roles.
role_idnumberUnique identifier for the role.
role_typestringThe type of role. master_account_role or account_role
role_namestringThe name of the role.
lead_notificationsbooleanIf the role is able to receive lead notifications.
permissionsobjectPermissions for this role.
integrationsstringPermissions for integrations. none, view or edit.
leadsstringPermissions for leads. none, view or edit.
profilesstringPermissions for profiles. none, view or edit.
reportsstringPermissions for reports. none, view or edit.
settingsstringPermissions for settings. none, view or edit.
trackingstringPermissions for tracking. none, view or edit.
accountsstringPermissions for accounts. none, view or edit. Applicable to master_account roles.
billingstringPermissions for billing. none, view or edit. Applicable to master_account roles.
securitystringPermissions for security. none, view or edit. Applicable to master_account roles.
usersstringPermissions for users. none, view or edit. Applicable to master_account roles.

Example Response

      "page_number": 1,
      "roles_per_page": 1,
      "total_pages": 1,
      "total_roles": 1,
      "users": [
          "role_id": 42390328,
          "role_type": "master_account_role",
          "role_name": "Administrator"
          "lead_notifications": true,
          "permissions": {
            "integrations": "edit",
            "leads": "edit",
            "profiles": "edit",
            "reports": "edit",
            "settings": "edit",
            "tracking": "edit",
            "accounts": "edit",
            "billing": "edit",
            "security": "edit",
            "users": "edit"
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