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    Client Communication 101: How to Say I've Got This!
    Marketing Client Communication 101: How to Say I've Got This!

    Last update on Oct 9, 2019

    What Is Call Tracking & Why Do Marketers Need It?
    Lead Tracking What Is Call Tracking & Why Do Marketers Need It?

    Last update on Oct 9, 2023


    The leads resource allows you to retrieve, edit, and add leads.

    Leads Instance Resources

    GET/api/v1/leadsGet a paginated list of details for all leads.
    GET/api/v1/leads/{lead_id}Get details about a single lead.
    POST/api/v1/leadsCreate a new lead.
    POST/api/v1/leads/{lead_id}Edit details for a single lead.

    Get All Leads

    Get a paginated list of details for all leads.

    Resource Details


    Supported Parameters

    leads_per_pagenumberNumber of leads to return for this request (default 25, maximum 2500).No
    page_numbernumberPage number to return for this request.No
    account_idnumberUnique identifier for the account in which to return leads from. Supported when using an Agency Key.No
    profile_idnumberUnique identifier for the profile in which to return leads from. Supported when using an Agency Key.No
    lead_typestringLead type to return for this request; appointment, chat, email, event, other, phone_call, text_message, transaction or web_form.No
    lead_statusstringLead status to return for this request; repeat or unique leads.No
    start_datestringStart date for this request in date or date/time ISO 8601 format (UTC); 2015-11-10 or 2015-11-10T00:00:00Z. Date range can include up to 400 days.No
    end_datestringEnd date for this request in date or date/time ISO 8601 format (UTC); 2015-11-10 or 2015-11-10T00:00:00Z. Date range can include up to 400 days.No
    orderstringOrder in which to return the leads by date created; asc or (default) desc.No
    quotablestringQuotable type to return for this request; yes, no, pending or not_set.No
    quote_valuestringReturn leads that have a quote value; has_value or no_value.No
    sales_valuestringReturn leads that have a sales value; has_value or no_value.No
    phone_numberstringReturn leads for the contacts that have this E.164 formatted phone number.No
    email_addressstringReturn leads for the contact that have this email address.No
    user_idstringReturn leads for the contact that have this user id.No
    spambooleanIf true will return only spam leads.No
    duplicatebooleanIf true will return only duplicate leads.No
    lead_sourcestringReturn leads that have this lead source.No
    lead_mediumstringReturn leads that have this lead source.No
    lead_campaignstringReturn leads that have this lead campaign.No
    lead_contentstringReturn leads that have this lead content.No
    lead_keywordstringReturn leads that have this lead keyword.No
    customer_journeystringReturn the customer journey with the lead; true or (default) false. Supported for Elite plans.No

    Response Details

    leads_per_pagenumberThe number of leads returned in the request.
    page_numbernumberThe current page number in the request.
    total_pagesnumberThe total amount of pages available in the request.
    total_leadsnumberThe total amount of leads available in the request.
    leadsarrayContains all the requested leads.
    account_idnumberUnique identifier for the account.
    profile_idnumberUnique identifier for the profile.
    profilestringThe name of the profile.
    lead_idnumberUnique identifier for the lead.
    lead_typestringThe type of lead; appointment, chat, email, event, other, phone_call, text_message, transaction or web_form.
    lead_statusstringThe status of the lead; repeat or unique.
    date_createdstringDate and time when the lead was created in ISO 8601 format (UTC).
    quotablestringThe quotable type for the lead.
    quote_valuenumberThe quote value for the lead.
    sales_valuenumberThe sales value for the lead.
    spotted_keywordsstringThe spotted keywords for the lead.
    lead_scorenumberThe score for the lead.
    lead_statenumberThe state for the lead.
    spambooleanIf the lead is marked as spam.
    duplicatebooleanIf the lead is marked as duplicate.
    lead_sourcestringThe traffic source for the lead.
    lead_mediumstringThe traffic medium for the lead.
    lead_campaignstringThe campaign value for the lead.
    lead_contentstringThe content value for the lead.
    lead_keywordstringThe keyword value for the lead.
    ip_addressstringThe user IP address for the lead.
    notesstringThe notes for the lead.
    contact_namestringThe contact's contact name for the lead.
    contact_company_namestringThe contact's company name for the lead.
    contact_email_addressstringThe contact's email address for the lead.
    contact_phone_numberstringThe contact's phone number for the lead.
    email_addressstringThe email address for the lead.
    phone_numberstringThe phone number for the lead.
    user_idstringThe WhatConverts user ID for the lead.
    gclidstringThe Google click identifier for the lead.
    msclkidstringThe Microsoft click identifier for the lead.
    unbounce_page_idstringThe Unbounce page ID for the lead.
    unbounce_variant_idstringThe Unbounce variant ID for the lead.
    unbounce_visitor_idstringThe Unbounce visitor ID for the lead.
    salesforce_user_idstringThe Salesforce user ID for the lead.
    roistat_visit_idstringThe Roistat visit ID for the lead.
    hubspot_visitor_idstringThe Hubspot visitor ID for the lead.
    facebook_browser_idstringThe Facebook browser ID for the lead.
    facebook_visitor_idstringThe Facebook visitor ID for the lead.
    vwo_account_idstringThe VWO account ID for the lead.
    vwo_experiment_idstringThe VWO experiment ID for the lead.
    vwo_variant_idstringThe VWO variant ID for the lead.
    vwo_user_idstringThe VWO user ID for the lead.
    google_analytics_client_idstringThe Google Analytics client ID for the lead.
    lead_urlstringThe URL where the lead took place.
    landing_urlstringThe URL where the user arrived on the website.
    operating_systemstringThe operating system used by the user.
    browserstringThe browser used by the user.
    device_typestringThe device type used by the user.
    device_makestringThe device make used by the user.
    phone_namestringThe name of the tracking number for the lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    tracking_numberstringThe E.164 formatted tracking number for the lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    destination_numberstringThe E.164 formatted destination number for the lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    caller_numberstringThe E.164 formatted caller's number for the lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    call_durationstringThe formatted duration of the call for the lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    call_duration_secondsnumberThe duration of the call in seconds for the lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    caller_citystringThe caller's city for the lead based on the caller_number. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    caller_zipstringThe caller's zip for the lead based on the caller_number. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    caller_statestringThe caller's state for the lead based on the caller_number. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    caller_countrystringThe two-letter ISO country code of the caller for the lead based on the caller_number. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    answer_statusstringThe answer status for the lead; Answered, No Answer, or Busy. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    call_statusstringThe call status for the lead; In Progress, or Completed. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    line_typestringThe line type of the caller for the lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.
    recordingstringThe URL to download the call recording. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    play_recordingstringThe URL to play the call recording. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    voicemailstringThe URL to download the voicemail. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    play_voicemailstringThe URL to play the voicemail. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    call_transcriptionstringThe call transcription for the lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    voicemail_transcriptionstringThe voicemail transcription for the lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.
    messagestringThe message sent by the caller for the lead. Applicable to text_message lead type.
    chat_statusstringThe chat status for the lead; In Progress, or Completed. Applicable to chat lead type.
    event_categorystringThe event category value for the lead. Applicable to event lead type.
    event_actionstringThe event action value for the lead. Applicable to event lead type.
    event_labelstringThe event label value for the lead. Applicable to event lead type.
    transaction_idstringThe transaction id value for the lead. Applicable to transaction lead type.
    transaction_taxnumberThe transaction tax value for the lead. Applicable to transaction lead type.
    transaction_shippingnumberThe transaction shipping value for the lead. Applicable to transaction lead type.
    sender_namestringThe sender name value for the lead. Applicable to email lead type.
    email_subject stringThe email subject for the lead. Applicable to email lead type.
    email_messagestringThe email message for the lead. Applicable to email lead type.
    additional_fieldsobjectAdditional fields for the lead.
    field_mappingsobjectField mappings for the lead. Supported when using a Profile Key or supplying a profile_id parameter.
    customer_journeyobjectCustom journey for the lead.

    Example Response

    	  "page_number": 1,
    	  "leads_per_page": 25,
    	  "total_pages": 37,
    	  "total_leads": 910,
    	  "leads": [
    	      "account_id": 13744,
    	      "profile_id": 42167,
    	      "profile": "WhatConverts",
    	      "lead_id": 148099,
    	      "user_id": "51497-af17340d-62b8-3044-423f-3dc754e621c2",
    	      "lead_type": "Phone Call",
    	      "lead_status": "Repeat",
    	      "date_created": "2016-01-25T16:21:22Z",
    	      "quotable": "Yes",
    	      "quote_value": 251,
    	      "sales_value": 750,
    	      "spotted_keywords": "buy,quote,test",
    	      "lead_score": 50,
    	      "lead_state": "Completed",
    	      "lead_source": "google",
    	      "lead_medium": "cpc",
    	      "lead_campaign": "call tracking general",
    	      "lead_content": "easy call tracking",
    	      "lead_keyword": "call tracking",
    	      "lead_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/contact",
    	      "landing_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/",
    	      "operating_system": "iOS 12",
    	      "browser": "Chrome Mobile 71",
    	      "device_type": "Smartphone",
    	      "device_make": "Apple iPhone",
    	      "spam": false,
    	      "duplicate": false,
    	      "tracking_number": "+17047349155",
    	      "destination_number": "+17045436123",
    	      "caller_country": "US",
    	      "caller_state": "NC",
    	      "caller_zip": "28226",
    	      "caller_name": "Jeremy Helms",
    	      "call_duration": "2 minutes and 55 seconds",
    	      "call_duration_seconds": 175,
    	      "caller_city": "Charlotte",
    	      "answer_status": "Answered",
    	      "call_status": "Completed",
    	      "line_type": "Landline",
    	      "caller_number": "+15432245114",
    	      "phone_name": "Tracking Number",
    	      "message": "Hello, I am interested in buying your products.",
    	      "ip_address": "",
    	      "notes": "This is a new lead!",
    	      "contact_name": "Jeremy Helms",
    	      "contact_company_name": "Call Tracking Company",
    	      "contact_email_address": "hello@whatconverts.com",
    	      "contact_phone_number": "+17044695324",
    	      "email_address": "hello@whatconverts.com",
    	      "phone_number": "+17044695324",
    	      "gclid": "CLibmtmqpNICFcSfGwodQbUAvg",
    	      "msclkid": "25d83debf85f146b8f1d66a754c6a56c",
    	      "unbounce_page_id": "f8e32bbc-e1a1-2c5b-b4d3-c6289c8e33b",
    	      "unbounce_variant_id": "b",
    	      "unbounce_visitor_id": "",
    	      "salesforce_user_id": 15228103840,
    	      "roistat_visit_id": "wqeOuWjfeIUQdd122casdLK",
    	      "hubspot_visitor_id": "5a72d290d2d21865a693f14bcf710fed",
    	      "facebook_browser_id": "fb.1.1621529626600.927228660",
    	      "facebook_click_id": "fb.1.1621529626598.IwAR1yDeb6_5RRDGD3fTthh9cPoaqhLYYyDFLN-LolvQwaMAPMhGRljDj-POc",
    	      "vwo_account_id": "512835",
    	      "vwo_experiment_id": "2",
    	      "vwo_variant_id": "2",
    	      "vwo_user_id": "D4A14C3EFD6DB2A51749E1A931BE96B44",
    	      "google_analytics_client_id": "1486423424.1594843130",
    	      "additional_fields": {
    			"Company Name": "Call Tracking Company",
    			"Contact Person": "Jeremy Helms"
    	      "field_mappings": {
    			"Company Name": "Call Tracking Company",
    			"Contact Person": "Jeremy Helms",
    			"Email": "support@whatconverts.com",
    			"Phone Number": "(704) 469-5324"
    	      "customer_journey": [
    			"type": "attribution",
    			"date_created": "2016-01-25T16:18:22Z",
    			"lead_source": "google",
    			"lead_medium": "cpc",
    			"lead_campaign": "call tracking general",
    			"lead_content": "easy call tracking",
    			"lead_keyword": "call tracking",
    					"order": 1,
    					"page_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/"
    					"order": 2,
    					"page_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/contact"
    			"type": "lead",
    			"date_created": "2016-01-25T16:21:22Z",
    			"lead_id": 148099,
    			"lead_type": "phone_call",
    			"lead_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/contact"
    	      "recording": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/download",
    	      "play_recording": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/play",
    	      "voicemail": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/download",
    	      "play_voicemail": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/play",
    	      "call_transcription": "Hello, thanks for calling.",
    	      "voicemail_transcription": "Please call me back at 5432245114."

    Get Single Lead

    Get details about a single lead.

    Resource Details


    Supported Parameters

    No supported parameters.

    Response Details

    Includes all response details from get all leads resource.

    Create New Lead

    Create a new lead.

    Resource Details


    Supported Parameters

    profile_idnumberUnique identifier for the profile in which to add this lead to. Profile ID is not required when using a Profile Key.Yes
    send_notificationbooleanSend an email notification for this lead; true or (default) false.Yes
    lead_typestringLead type for this lead; appointment, chat, email, event, other, phone_call, text_message, transaction or web_form.Yes
    date_createdstringDate and time when the lead was created in ISO 8601 format (UTC); 2015-11-10T00:00:00Z.No
    quotablestringThe quotable type for this lead; yes, no, pending or not_set.No
    quote_valuenumberThe quote value for this lead.No
    sales_valuenumberThe sales value for this lead.No
    wc_client_currentstringThe users wc_client_current cookie for this lead. If set, then the following parameters are automatically overridden and populated from the cookie; lead_source, lead_medium, lead_campaign, lead_content, lead_keyword, gclid, msclkid, user_id, and landing_url.No
    lead_sourcestringThe lead source for this lead.No
    lead_mediumstringThe lead medium for this lead.No
    lead_campaignstringThe lead campaign for this lead.No
    lead_contentstringThe lead content for this lead.No
    lead_keywordstringThe lead keyword for this lead.No
    ip_addressstringThe user IP address for this lead.No
    email_addressstringThe email address for this lead.No
    phone_numberstringThe phone number for this lead.No
    user_idstringThe WhatConverts user ID for this lead.No
    gclidstringThe Google click identifier for the lead.No
    msclkidstringThe Microsoft click identifier for the lead.No
    lead_urlstringThe URL where the lead took place.No
    landing_urlstringThe URL where the user arrived on the website.No
    operating_systemstringThe operating system used by the user.No
    browserstringThe browser used by the user.No
    device_typestringThe device type used by the user.No
    device_makestringThe device make used by the user.No
    form_namestringThe name of the form for this lead. Applicable to web_form lead type.No
    phone_namestringThe name of the tracking number for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    tracking_numberstringThe E.164 formatted tracking number for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    destination_numberstringThe E.164 formatted destination number for this lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.No
    caller_numberstringThe E.164 formatted caller's number for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    caller_namestringThe caller's name for this lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.No
    call_duration_secondsnumberThe duration of the call in seconds for this lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.No
    caller_citystringThe caller's city for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    caller_zipstringThe caller's zip for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    caller_statestringThe caller's state for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    caller_countrystringThe two-letter ISO country code of the caller for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    answer_statusstringThe answer status for this lead; Answered, No Answer, or Busy. Applicable to phone_call lead type.No
    line_typestringThe line type of the caller for this lead. Applicable to phone_call and text_message lead type.No
    call_transcriptionstringThe call transcription for this lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.No
    voicemail_transcriptionstringThe voicemail transcription for this lead. Applicable to phone_call lead type.No
    messagestringThe message sent by the caller for the lead. Applicable to text_message lead type.No
    event_categorystringThe event category value for this lead. Applicable to event lead type.No
    event_actionstringThe event action value for this lead. Applicable to event lead type.No
    event_labelstringThe event label value for this lead. Applicable to event lead type.No
    transaction_idstringThe transaction id value for this lead. Applicable to transaction lead type.No
    transaction_taxnumberThe transaction tax value for this lead. Applicable to transaction lead type.No
    transaction_shippingnumberThe transaction shipping value for this lead. Applicable to transaction lead type.No
    sender_namestringThe sender name value for this lead. Applicable to email lead type.No
    email_subject stringThe email subject for this lead. Applicable to email lead type.No
    email_messagestringThe email message for this lead. Applicable to email lead type.No
    additional_fieldsarrayAdditional fields for this lead; additional_fields[{field_name}].No

    Response Details

    lead_idnumberUnique identifier for the lead created.

    Example Response

    	  "account_id": 13744,
    	  "profile_id": 42167,
    	  "profile": "WhatConverts",
    	  "lead_id": 148099,
    	  "user_id": "51497-af17340d-62b8-3044-423f-3dc754e621c2",
    	  "lead_type": "Phone Call",
    	  "lead_status": "Repeat",
    	  "date_created": "2016-01-25T16:21:22Z",
    	  "quotable": "Yes",
    	  "quote_value": 251,
    	  "sales_value": 750,
    	  "spotted_keywords": "buy,quote,test",
    	  "lead_score": 50,
    	  "lead_state": "Completed",
    	  "lead_source": "google",
    	  "lead_medium": "cpc",
    	  "lead_campaign": "call tracking general",
    	  "lead_content": "easy call tracking",
    	  "lead_keyword": "call tracking",
    	  "lead_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/contact",
    	  "landing_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/",
    	  "operating_system": "iOS 12",
    	  "browser": "Chrome Mobile 71",
    	  "device_type": "Smartphone",
    	  "device_make": "Apple iPhone",
    	  "spam": false,
    	  "duplicate": false,
    	  "tracking_number": "+17047349155",
    	  "destination_number": "+17045436123",
    	  "caller_country": "US",
    	  "caller_state": "NC",
    	  "caller_zip": "28226",
    	  "caller_name": "Jeremy Helms",
    	  "call_duration": "2 minutes and 55 seconds",
    	  "call_duration_seconds": 175,
    	  "caller_city": "Charlotte",
    	  "answer_status": "Answered",
    	  "call_status": "Completed",
    	  "line_type": "Landline",
    	  "caller_number": "+15432245114",
    	  "phone_name": "Tracking Number",
    	  "message": "Hello, I am interested in buying your products.",
    	  "ip_address": "",
    	  "notes": "This is a new lead!",
    	  "contact_name": "Jeremy Helms",
    	  "contact_company_name": "Call Tracking Company",
    	  "contact_email_address": "hello@whatconverts.com",
    	  "contact_phone_number": "+17044695324",
    	  "email_address": "hello@whatconverts.com",
    	  "phone_number": "+17044695324",
    	  "gclid": "CLibmtmqpNICFcSfGwodQbUAvg",
    	  "msclkid": "25d83debf85f146b8f1d66a754c6a56c",
    	  "unbounce_page_id": "f8e32bbc-e1a1-2c5b-b4d3-c6289c8e33b",
    	  "unbounce_variant_id": "b",
    	  "unbounce_visitor_id": "",
    	  "salesforce_user_id": 15228103840,
    	  "roistat_visit_id": "wqeOuWjfeIUQdd122casdLK",
    	  "hubspot_visitor_id": "5a72d290d2d21865a693f14bcf710fed",
    	  "facebook_browser_id": "fb.1.1621529626600.927228660",
    	  "facebook_click_id": "fb.1.1621529626598.IwAR1yDeb6_5RRDGD3fTthh9cPoaqhLYYyDFLN-LolvQwaMAPMhGRljDj-POc",
    	  "vwo_account_id": "512835",
    	  "vwo_experiment_id": "2",
    	  "vwo_variant_id": "2",
    	  "vwo_user_id": "D4A14C3EFD6DB2A51749E1A931BE96B44",
    	  "google_analytics_client_id": "1486423424.1594843130",
    	  "additional_fields": {
    	    "Company Name": "Call Tracking Company",
    	    "Contact Person": "Jeremy Helms"
    	  "field_mappings": {
    	    "Company Name": "Call Tracking Company",
    	    "Contact Person": "Jeremy Helms",
    	    "Email": "support@whatconverts.com",
    	    "Phone Number": "(704) 469-5324"
    	  "customer_journey": [
    		"type": "attribution",
    		"date_created": "2016-01-25T16:18:22Z",
    		"lead_source": "google",
    		"lead_medium": "cpc",
    		"lead_campaign": "call tracking general",
    		"lead_content": "easy call tracking",
    		"lead_keyword": "call tracking",
    				"order": 1,
    				"page_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/"
    				"order": 2,
    				"page_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/contact"
    		"type": "lead",
    		"date_created": "2016-01-25T16:21:22Z",
    		"lead_id": 148099,
    		"lead_type": "phone_call",
    		"lead_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/contact"
    	  "recording": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/download",
    	  "play_recording": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/play",
    	  "voicemail": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/download",
    	  "play_voicemail": "https://app.whatconverts.com/recording/13451345/play",
    	  "call_transcription": "Hello, thanks for calling.",
    	  "voicemail_transcription": "Please call me back at 5432245114."

    Edit Lead

    Edit details for a single lead.

    Resource Details


    Supported Parameters

    quotablestringThe quotable type for this lead; yes, no, pending or not_set.No
    quote_valuenumberThe quote value for this lead.No
    sales_valuenumberThe sales value for this lead.No
    lead_urlstringThe URL where the lead took place.No
    additional_fieldsarrayAdditional fields for this lead; additional_fields[{field_name}].No

    Response Details

    lead_idnumberUnique identifier for the edited lead.

    Example Response

    	  "account_id": 13744,
    	  "profile_id": 42167,
    	  "profile": "WhatConverts",
    	  "lead_id": 148099,
    	  "user_id": "51497-af17340d-62b8-3044-423f-3dc754e621c2",
    	  "lead_type": "Phone Call",
    	  "lead_status": "Repeat",
    	  "date_created": "2016-01-25T16:21:22Z",
    	  "quotable": "Yes",
    	  "quote_value": 251,
    	  "sales_value": 750,
    	  "spotted_keywords": "buy,quote,test",
    	  "lead_score": 50,
    	  "lead_state": "Completed",
    	  "lead_source": "google",
    	  "lead_medium": "cpc",
    	  "lead_campaign": "call tracking general",
    	  "lead_content": "easy call tracking",
    	  "lead_keyword": "call tracking",
    	  "lead_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/contact",
    	  "landing_url": "https://www.whatconverts.com/",
    	  "operating_system": "iOS 12",
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    	  "device_type": "Smartphone",
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    	  "call_transcription": "Hello, thanks for calling.",
    	  "voicemail_transcription": "Please call me back at 5432245114."
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