Integrate WhatConverts with Pipedrive and send leads from WhatConverts directly to your Pipedrive CRM, as the lead progresses through the sales process, WhatConverts marketing reporting is automatically updated through Zapier with the quote (deal) and sale value; tying sales back to marketing source, campaign and keyword.
Create New Contacts or Deals In PipeDrive from leads received from:
Update your Marketing Leads from PipeDrive in WhatConverts:
See Marketing Source and Medium Reports by :
See Marketing Campaign and Keyword Reports by :
More information on how to integrate with PipeDrive.
WhatConverts answers your conversion questions including:
With WhatConverts, you have the tools to see what marketing converts, whether they call, chat or fill out a form; we can track those touchpoints back to the marketing responsible, giving you the complete marketing picture.
Don't miss a beat with your lead tracking. Sign up with WhatConverts today for a 14 Day Free Trial and know What Marketing Converts.
One of our marketing experts will give you a full presentation of how WhatConverts can help you grow your business.
Schedule a DemoSimply download only the visible columns you have pulled up in your dashboard.
We can set up the WhatConverts integration with your existing CRM.
Download or send your entire data set with one click.
Set up integrations so that lead value is instantly transferred between WhatConverts and the CRM