Avatar photo Michael Cooney
Jan 25, 2022

Some WhatConverts customers have asked why WhatConverts doesn't have a mobile app. There are two reasons:

  • WhatConverts automation reduces the need to log in to the platform.
  • The brand new WhatConverts UI is mobile-optimized for in a mobile browser.

Agencies and clients don't have to log in to WhatConverts to get the benefits. At the same time, the platform is optimized for mobile browsers, meaning it's easy to check WhatConverts from your phone, tablet or desktop.

Below, you'll find some screen recordings from the mobile browser version of the WhatConverts platform. We'll then talk about the automation features that reduce the need for constant check-ins.

Sign up here for a free 14-day WhatConverts trial or request a 30-minute live demo. We’ll answer your questions and show you how to use WhatConverts to prove your value.

Using the WhatConverts Mobile Dashboard

WhatConverts launched our new dashboard in 2022 after listening to customer feedback. Our customers wanted a dashboard that was more user-friendly and mobile-friendly. The new dashboard delivers on both fronts.

Anything you can do in WhatConverts, you can do on the mobile browser version.

The video below shows what you or your clients will see when you log in to WhatConverts. You can see the latest lead trends, identify your best-performing marketing sources, and dig deeper into lead data to see the people behind the conversion actions.

Our customers love WhatConverts because it allows them to qualify leads and assign quote value quickly. The new dashboard makes it easy to set lead status and quote value from your mobile phone or tablet. This video shows how easy it is to view lead details, see the customer journey and manage leads.

WhatConverts sends automated reports to you or your client's inbox, but it's also possible to view and create reports right from your mobile browser.

Sign up here for a free 14-day WhatConverts trial or request a 30-minute live demo. We’ll answer your questions and show you how to use WhatConverts to prove your value.

The video below shows how easy it is to navigate the WhatConverts Report section on a mobile device.

Our customers love logging into the platform to see the details behind every lead from every marketing source. However, automated features make it easy for agencies and clients to experience the benefits of WhatConverts without having to log in to the platform every day.

Use Automation to Let WhatConverts Work for You

WhatConverts captures the value of your marketing efforts. The platform can do this automatically without you having to go into the dashboard and make constant adjustments. Certain automation features make it easy to capture, store, and report every lead from every marketing source.

Automated Call Flows

WhatConverts provides Call Flows as a feature of our call tracking solution. Call Flows allow you to route calls to manage calls by:

  • Routing calls to specific departments
  • Differentiate between new customers and existing customers
  • Separate sales calls from support calls

The Call Flows system automated the process of categorizing new leads. Callers will automatically be routed through the call flow, and you'll never have to worry about it again.

Call Flow Menu Options

Companies with large sales teams can also use call flows to send sales calls to different salespeople or use a round-robin approach to ensure each salesperson gets the same number of calls. These Call Flows prove helpful in organizing your leads and seeing the marketing source for each lead.

Call Flows can tie leads to marketing sources. We recommend using the WhatConverts Dynamic Number Pools with Call Flows to organize calls based on the marketing campaign.

Let's say you're running two different Google Ad campaigns for two different products; WhatConverts can route calls to different numbers based on the marketing source.

If an insurance company has two separate Google Ads for car insurance and home insurance, they may send callers to different departments. Plus, our Post Call Flow features lets WhatConverts users qualify leads and assign sales value to new callers, right from the phone keypad.

Post Call Flow Feedback

WhatConverts Post Call Flows allow call recipients to qualify leads and assign a lead value using the telephone keypad. With a couple of taps, your salespeople can mark a lead as quotable, give a quote value, or even assign a sales value.

mobile marketing analytics

The salesperson can do all this from their phone without ever logging in to the WhatConverts platform. WhatConverts will then update the lead with the quotable status, quote value and sales value. The post-call flow feedback means you don't need to have WhatConverts pulled up in front of you to get quality data about every lead.

Automated Lead Qualification

WhatConverts allows users to set up automatic lead qualification based on selections made by the caller during the Call Flow. For example, the Call Flow may prompt callers to "Press 1 for Sales or 2 for Support" when they call. If the caller presses 1, WhatConvert will automatically mark the caller as a qualified lead.

The example above is simplified, but WhatConverts users can customize the automatic lead qualification process. For instance, a dental office could set up custom fields to categorize callers into "new patient" or "existing patient", depending on which option they select during the Call Flow.

All this lead qualification happens automatically on the call, and WhatConverts updates the lead's information on the platform. When you log in to WhatConverts, you'll see all your leads organized by their qualification status and marketing source.

Automated Email Reports

You can set up WhatConverts to automatically send daily, weekly and monthly reports. If you can create the report in WhatConverts, you can schedule the report to send to you or your client's inbox. WhatConverts has a list of pre-built reports that you can send out:

  • Leads by Source
  • Qualified Leads by Keyword
  • Quote Value of Leads by Landing Page
  • Monthly Marketing Summary Report
  • ...and more

It's also easy to create, schedule and send custom reports. All these reports display the underlying lead data with just one click. That means marketers and clients can easily verify the leads that make up the data in the report.

mobile marketing analytics

Between automation and the responsive mobile dashboard, WhatConverts has eliminated the need for a mobile application. Get in touch with our support team if you need help setting up automated features like scheduled reporting or post-call lead qualification. They'll be happy to help you get maximum value out of the WhatConverts platform.

Sign up here for a free 14-day WhatConverts trial or request a 30-minute live demo. We’ll answer your questions and show you how to use WhatConverts to prove your value.

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Michael Cooney

Michael Cooney is a co-founder of WhatConverts. Connect with him on Twitter or via email at michael.cooney@whatconverts.com.

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