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Help Center Call Flows and Communication
Setting up a Post Call Flow

1Log into the WhatConverts Profile you want to set up the Call Flow in. Click "Tracking" in the top menu. Select "Phone Calls" and click "Call Flows".

Where to find Call Flows in a WhatConverts Profile

2Click "+ Add Call Flow". Give your Call Flow a Name and select "Post-Call Flow". Click "Next Step".

3After the Caller Hangs Up step, click "+" to add a new Action Step. Select one of the following to gather data from the call:

  • "Menu" - A menu step directs your call recipient into a menu of options.
  • "Message" - A message step plays a message you would like the call recipient to hear.
  • "Schedule" - A schedule step can schedule different post call flow options for specific times or days.
  • "Set Lead Data" - Sets a Standard System or Custom Field Value when the step has been reached.
  • "Smart Routing" - Allows you to route the post-call flow based on Marketing, Phone Number, or Lead Data tracked.
  • "Enter Lead Value" -Prompts your call recipient to set the Quotable status or enter Quote or Sales Value information in their post call flow.

Once you have set the steps you would like to use, Click "Save Changes".

In the example below, the Post-Call Flow is set to prompt the call recipient to choose the Quotable Status of a call. If the call was Quotable, the recipient will enter an estimated Quote Value with their keypad.

Example Post Call Flow

4To apply the Post-Call Flow, go back to the Call Flows page, click the "pencil icon" next to the Incoming Call Flow that you would like to apply your Post-Call Flow to.

In your Dial module(s), click the "Edit Step" icon in the top left of the module. Under Use a Post-Call Flow?, select the Post-Call Flow you would like to use from the drop-down menu. Click "Save Changes".

Use Post Call Flow Step

Repeat this step for each Dial module in your Incoming Call Flow you would like to apply the Post-Call Flow to. Click "Finish" after all changes have been made.

If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email

Post Call Flows equip your sales team members with the ability to quickly qualify and gather feedback from an incoming call as soon as the call ends with just the push of a few buttons.

You can apply a Post Call Flow to any Dial Step of an incoming call flow.

1Log in to your WhatConverts Dashboard. Under Profile, select "Tracking", "Phone Calls". When the Phone Calls drop down opens, select "Call Flows".

Call Flows Selection for Call Routing

2At the top of the page, select "+ Add Post-Call Flow" located in the middle of the page.
3After the Caller Hangs Up step, click "+" to add a new Action Step. Select one of the following to gather data from the call:

  • "Menu" - A menu step directs your call recipient into a menu of options.
  • "Message" - A message step plays a message you would like the call recipient to hear.
  • "Schedule" - A schedule step can schedule different post call flow options for specific times or days.
  • "Lead Data" - The lead data step prompts your call recipient to enter Quote or Sales Value information in their post call flow.

Once you have set the steps you would like to use, scroll to the top of your Post-Call Flow, give it a name and click "Save Call Flow".
4To apply the Post-Call Flow to your incoming call flow actions, click the "gear icon" next to the Incoming Call Flow that you would like to apply your Post-Call Flow to. In your Dial module(s), click the "Edit" icon in the top left of the module. Under Post-Call Flow, select "Yes" and select the Post-Call Flow you would like to use from the drop-down menu. Click "Update".

Post Call Flow

Repeat this step for each Dial module in your Incoming Call Flow you would like to apply the Post-Call Flow to.

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