Pure Chat is a live chat software designed to help small and mid-sized teams generate more leads and drive sales. Connecting WhatConverts and Pure Chat ensures that every chat coming in through Pure Chat goes directly into your WhatConverts dashboard. From there, you can qualify chat leads, assign value and include them in your marketing reports.
The Pure Chat + WhatConverts integration allows you to track every chat back to the marketing source responsible.
With WhatConverts, you have the tools to see what marketing converts, whether they make an appointment, call, chat or fill out a simple contact form; we track those touchpoints back to the marketing responsible, giving you the complete marketing picture.
One of our marketing experts will give you a full presentation of how WhatConverts can help you grow your business.
Schedule a DemoApply filters to group leads by specific keywords or campaigns to quickly see the results of your ad spend.
Tracking your iframe forms in Google Analytics is important to make sure that you are attributing your conversion goals correctly.
Quickly see if your visitors converting on a "Contact Us" page, or on your site's other pages.
WhatConverts can plot your leads over a period of time to show when the fluctuations happened.