To enable auto-tagging in the Google Ads interface follow the steps below:
1Sign into your Google Ads account.
2Click "Admin" in the left menu. Select "Account Settings".
3Click "Auto-Tagging" and check the box for "Tag the URL that people click through from my ad". Click "Save".
If you have any questions, please contact WhatConverts Support or email
To enable auto-tagging in the Google Ads interface follow the steps below:
1Sign into your Google Ads account.
2Select “All Campaigns” on the top left hand side of the interface.
3Click on “Settings” on the bottom left side of the menu.
4Select the “Account Settings” tab from the two tabs that appear at the top of the page.
5Choose the "Auto-Tagging" option and click on "Tag the URL that people click through from my ad" check box then click "Save".
WhatConverts should now be able to identify your Google Ads traffic.
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