Auto-funding helps you save time by not having to monitor your plan balance. On the auto-funding section of billing, you can set your plan to automatically fund your balance when it falls below a set amount. By enabling auto-funding, you also avoid possible service disruption if you balance falls to $0.
On the billing overview page, you can select to "Manage Auto Funding" to make changes to auto funding.
While auto-funding is enabled, anytime your plan balance falls below the threshold you set, WhatConverts will automatically charge your card to bring your balance up to the amount you set.
Auto-funding helps you save time by not having to monitor your plan balance. On the auto-funding section of billing, you can set your plan to automatically fund your balance when it falls below a set amount. By enabling auto-funding, you also avoid possible service disruption if you balance falls to $0.
While auto-funding is enabled, anytime your plan balance falls below the threshold you set, WhatConverts will automatically charge your card to bring your balance up to the amount you set.
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