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Help Center Integrations Google Ads Integration
How Do I Integrate with Google Ads?

By connecting Google Ads to WhatConverts, you can send conversions based on leads tracked to your Ads account.

To use the Google Ads integration, first make sure:

1Open your WhatConverts dashboard and select the account and/or profile you would like to integrate with Google Ads. Click on "Tracking, then “Integrations” and select "Google Ads".
2Click on "Add Connection," which will send you to Google to grant WhatConverts permission to send conversions to your Ads account. Click “Allow”.

Setting up Google Ads Conversion Tracking

3In WhatConverts, select the "Customer" and "Account" you would like to use for this integration.

4Give your Conversion Action a name. If you have a call extension number set up, you can also track and name Google Call Extension Conversions. For instructions on how to set up a call extension number, click here.

5Follow the prompts to choose the types of leads you would like WhatConverts to send to Google Ads as conversions.

Connected Google Ads account

6Select what trigger you would like WhatConverts to use to send conversions to Google Ads. There are four trigger options:

  • The "New Lead Received" option will trigger when a new lead is received.
  • The "Sales Value Received or Added" option will trigger when a sales value is received with a new lead such as e-commerce transactions or when a sales value is added to a lead after it has been received. When a sales value is present, it will be sent along with the conversion to Google Ads.
  • The "Set as Quotable Lead" option will pass conversions only when a lead has been marked as "Quotable".
  • For Elite plans, the "Lead Intelligence Rules" option will pass conversions according to your custom Lead Intelligence Rules. To learn more about using Lead Intelligence to qualify your leads, click here.

7Choose whether or not you would like to send leads as Enhanced Conversions. Whereas normally WhatConverts only sends conversions with a Google Ads click identifier, Enhanced Conversions sends every single lead that has a phone number or email address. To learn more about how Enhanced Conversions works, click here.

8Click "Finish".

In your Google Ads account you will notice a new conversion called "Leads ({your_profile_id})". If this conversion is renamed, WhatConverts will not be able to send conversions to your Google Ads account.

Note: It may take up to 72 hours before conversions show up in Google Ads.

If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email

By connecting Google Ads to WhatConverts, you can send conversions based on leads tracked to your Ads account.

To use the Google Ads integration a few things are required:

If you would prefer to integrate with Google Ads using goals in Google analytics take a look at Google Ads conversions with Google Analytics.

1Select the account and/or profile you would like to setup in your WhatConverts dashboard. Click on “Integrations” and select "Google Ads" from the left-hand menu.
2Click on "Add Connection" which will send you to Google to allow WhatConverts to send conversions to your Google Ads account.

3Click on "Allow" at the authorization page.

Setting up Google Ads Conversion Tracking

4Select your "Customer" and "Account" you would like to use for this integration. Some users will only see one option which is normal.

5Choose which types of leads you would like for WhatConverts to send to Google Ads as conversions and select when to trigger the conversions to be sent to Google Ads.

Note: By default, the new lead option is selected which will trigger when a new lead is received. The sales value option will trigger when a sales value is received with a new lead such as e-commerce transactions or when a sales value is added to a lead after it has been received. When a sales value is present, it will be sent along with the conversion to Google Ads. Conversions will only be sent once to Google Ads so after a sales value has been added no more conversions will be sent.

6Click "Update".

Google Ads Conversion Tracking Integration
In your Google Ads account you will notice a new conversion called "Leads ({your_profile_id})". If this conversion is renamed, WhatConverts will not be able to send conversions to your Google Ads account.

Note: It may take up to 72 hours before conversions show up in Google Ads.

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