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    Help Center Integrations

    Tawk.to Integration

    Important: If you haven't added your WhatConverts tracking script to your website, you will need to add the WhatConverts tracking code prior to the chat tracking. If you are using the WhatConverts WordPress Plugin, you will want to deactivate the plugin and place your WhatConverts Tracking Code above your Tawk.to Integration Code.

    1Copy your Tawk.to integration code. It should look similar to this:

    <!--Start of Tawk.to Script-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
    var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    <!--End of Tawk.to Script-->

    2Paste the following into the Tawk.to Widget Code:

    Tawk_API.onChatEnded = function(){
    wc_chat_ypbib("Chat","New Chat Session");

    Your new Tawk.to Widget Code will look like this

    <!--Start of Tawk.to Script-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
    var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    Tawk_API.onChatEnded = function(){
    wc_chat_ypbib("Chat","New Chat Session");
    <!--End of Tawk.to Script-->

    This will trigger a new Chat Lead in WhatConverts when someone initiates a chat.

      Note: If a customer leaves the page before the chat session has ended, WhatConverts will not track the chat. You can change the "Tawk_API.onChatEnded" to "Tawk_API.onChatStarted" however, this change will trigger a tracked chat when you (or the client) initiates a chat with someone browsing the page (who may not respond to the chat).

    3Go to your website. Start and end a new chat. Log into the WhatConverts profile you have set up to track Tawk.to chats. Click "Leads" in the top menu. Under Lead Manager, check for a new Chat Lead to ensure Tawk.to is tracking properly.

    Tested Chat Lead

    If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email support@whatconverts.com

    Tawk.to is a Web Chat platform that allows site users to communicate instantly with your business. You can integrate Tawk.to with WhatConverts easily.

      Important: If you haven't added your WhatConverts tracking script to your website, you will need to add the WhatConverts tracking code prior to the chat tracking. If you are using the WhatConverts WordPress Plugin, you will want to deactivate the plugin and place your WhatConverts Tracking Code above your Tawk.to Integration Code.

    1Copy your Tawk.to integration code. It should look similar to this:

    <!--Start of Tawk.to Script-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
    var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    <!--End of Tawk.to Script-->

    2Paste the following into the Tawk.to Widget Code:

    Tawk_API.onChatEnded = function(){
    wc_chat_ypbib("Chat","New Chat Session");

    Your new Tawk.to Widget Code will look like this

    <!--Start of Tawk.to Script-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
    var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    Tawk_API.onChatEnded = function(){
    wc_chat_ypbib("Chat","New Chat Session");
    <!--End of Tawk.to Script-->

    This will trigger a new Chat Lead in WhatConverts when someone initiates a chat.

      Note: If a customer leaves the page before the chat session has ended, WhatConverts will not track the chat. You can change the "Tawk_API.onChatEnded" to "Tawk_API.onChatStarted" however, this change will trigger a tracked chat when you (or the client) initiates a chat with someone browsing the page (who may not respond to the chat).
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    Real-Time API Data
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    Web Chat Lead Reporting
    Lead Tracking Web Chat Lead Reporting

    Automatically track visitors back to the marketing source, medium, campaign, ad and keyword.

    Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics
    Lead Tracking Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

    Measure the exact revenue that each of your leads generated via eCommerce.

    Leads by Landing Page
    Analytics & Insights Leads by Landing Page

    See how leads got to your site and the page they were on when they reached out.

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