Note: Add the WhatConverts tracking script to your site if you have not already done so.
1Log into your WhatConverts profile, select the "Tracking" top menu item, then "Forms". Select "Web Forms".
Click "Add Web Form".
2Select "Form Finder". Enter the URL your form is on. Click "Find Form".
Select the form with the Class attribute of wpcf7-form.
Click "Finish".
3Go to the URL your form is located on. Fill out and submit your form.
Go back to your WhatConverts profile. Select "Leads" from the top menu. Scroll down to the Lead Manager. You should see your test form submission in the list.
To review the full Lead Details for the submission, including all of the form input data. Click "View Lead" as shown in the image above.
By default, all Contact Form 7 forms use the same Form Class attribute. If you want to separate out the different Contact Form 7 Form Tracking in WhatConverts, we need a unique Form ID or Class attribute to track form submissions.
You can add any "ID" and "Class" to a Contact-form-7 form by adding the "html_id" and "html_class attributes" into a [contact-form-7] short code. Example:
[contact-form-7 id="1234" title="Contact form 1" html_id="contact-form-1234" html_class="form contact-form"]
Source: FAQ from
If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email
WhatConverts is able to easily track form submissions through almost any web form. This allows you to manage leads, quotes, sales and contact submissions in one central place. WhatConverts also tracks phone calls, web chats and ecommerce transactions.
You can track Contact Form 7 forms with the standard method of adding a form in your WhatConverts Dashboard.
Contact Form 7 plugin hides the Form Name and ID of a form on a published web page. We need one of these unique identifiers to track form submissions.
You can add any "ID" and "Class" to a Contact-form-7 form by adding the "html_id" and "html_class attributes" into a
Error: Contact form not found.
shortcode.Error: Contact form not found.
Source: FAQ from
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