After you've set up your Google Analytics integration for your WhatConverts profile, as your leads are tracked, they are passed into Google Analytics as Events.
Depending on the Lead Types that you're sending into Google Analytics, the events you'll see from WhatConverts will have the following names and parameters attached to the events:
Event Name: phone_call
Below is an example of the custom dimensions and parameters for a phone_call event:
For more information: How to set up a Goal in Google Analytics for Phone Calls
Event Name: web_form
For more information: How to set up a Goal in Google Analytics for Web Form Submissions
Event Name: chat
For more information: How to set up a Goal in Google Analytics for Chat
Event Name: event
Events will always be based off of the Category, Action and Label that are assigned to them when you've set custom events up to track on your website.
You can find information on setting up and tracking Custom Events in your WhatConverts account under Profile. Select "Tracking" and click "Events".
Event Name: email
Event Name: purchase
Event Name: other
1Log into Google Analytics. Select "Reports" from the left-hand menu. Under Life cycle, click on the "Engagement" menu.
2Click "Events". This will give you a list of Event names listed with event counts and total users for each event.
Note: In addition to the event details per lead type above, we also pass the Google Analytics Client ID with the event. Google uses this Client ID to append the event to their own acquisition data.
If you have any questions, please contact WhatConverts Support or email
After you've set up your Google Analytics integration for your WhatConverts profile, as your leads are tracked, they are passed into Google Analytics as Events.
You can view these events in Google Analytics under "Behavior". Select "Events" then "Overview".
Depending on the Lead Types that you're sending into Google Analytics, you can expect to see the following:
Event Category: Phone Call
Event Action: Incoming - {Phone Title} via {Tracking Number} - {Unique/Repeat} Lead
Event Label: Duration - {Duration in Seconds} Seconds
Below is an example of the Event Label and Event Action for the Phone Call Event Category.
For more information: How to set up a Goal in Google Analytics for Phone Calls
Event Category: Form Submission
Event Action: Submission - {Form Title} - {Unique/Repeat} Lead
Below is an example of the Event Category and Event Action for Form Submissions.
For more information: How to set up a Goal in Google Analytics for Web Form Submissions
Event Category: Lead
Event Action: Chat - {Unique/Repeat} Lead
Below is an example of the Event Category and Event Action for Chats.
For more information: How to set up a Goal in Google Analytics for Chat
Event Category: {Category}
Event Action: {Action}
Event Label: {Label}
Events will always be based off of the Category, Action and Label that are assigned to them when you've set custom events up to track on your website.
You can find information on setting up and tracking Custom Events in your WhatConverts account under Profile. Select "Tracking" and click "Events".
Event Category: Lead
Event Action: Email - {Unique/Repeat} Lead
Event Category: Lead
Event Action: Inbound - {Phone Title} via {Tracking Number} - {Unique/Repeat} Lead
Event Category: Lead
Event Action: Other - {Unique/Repeat} Lead
Transactions are sent to Google Analytics along with {Sales Value}, {Transaction ID}, {Transaction Shipping} and {Transaction Tax}.
Transaction information can be found in Google Analytics under Conversions. To view the transactions sent, select "Transactions".
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