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Help Center Integrations Unbounce Integration
Call Tracking for Unbounce

Add your WhatConverts Tracking Code to Unbounce - Script Manager Method for Whole Domains

1Log into the WhatConverts Profile you want to track Unbounce in. Click "Tracking" in the top menu, then "Tracking Code".

The WhatConverts Tracking Code

Copy the Standard HTML Code.

Standard HTML Tracking Code

2Log into Unbounce. On the left-hand menu, select "Settings" and click "Script Manager".

Add a Script to Script Manager in Unbounce

Click "Add a Script" at the top right of the page.

Add a script

3Under What would you like to add? select "Custom Script" from the drop down. Enter a Script Name. Click "Add Script Details".

4Under Script Details, select "Head for Placement and Included On "All". Paste your WhatConverts Tracking Code.

Script Details Unbounce

Select the Domain that you would like to add your tracking script to and click "Save and Publish Script".

Add your WhatConverts Tracking Code to Unbounce - Landing Page Method

Note: Make sure to apply your WhatConverts tracking code to every page and page variant to ensure all of your pages are tracked.

1Log into the WhatConverts Profile you want to track Unbounce in. Click "Tracking" in the top menu, then "Tracking Code".

The WhatConverts Tracking Code

Copy the Standard HTML Code.

2Log into Unbounce. Select the Landing Page you would like to add your WhatConverts Tracking Code to. Click "Edit". Click "Javascripts" at the bottom of the page editor.

Select Javascripts in Unbounce

3Give your script a Name and select "Head" for Placement. Paste your WhatConverts Tracking Code.

Paste WhatConverts tracking script

Click "Save Code".

4"Save" and "Publish" your page.

Important: Make sure to follow these steps for each landing page and light box you want to track.

If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email

You can get started tracking your Unbounce calls in just minutes. First, you will need to set up Tracking Numbers in your WhatConverts account. See: Setting up Call Tracking in WhatConverts.

Add your WhatConverts Tracking Code to Unbounce - Script Manager Method for Whole Domains

1Log into your WhatConverts Dashboard. Select the profile you want to integrate with your Unbounce page(s) from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side (If you only have one profile, your profile will be selected by default). Click "Select" then "Tracking Code".

Find the WhatConverts Tracking Code

Copy your tracking code from the right-side page.

2Log into Unbounce. On the left-hand menu, select "Settings" and click "Script Manager".

Add a Script to Script Manager in Unbounce

Click "Add a Script" at the top right of the page.

Add a script

3Under What would you like to add? select "Custom Script" from the drop-down. Enter a Script Name. Click "Add Script Details".

4Under Script Details, select "Head for Placement and Included On "All". Paste your WhatConverts Tracking Code.

Script Details Unbounce

Select the Domain that you would like to add your tracking script to and click "Save and Publish Script".

Add your WhatConverts Tracking Code to Unbounce - Landing Page Method

Note: Make sure to apply your WhatConverts tracking code to every page and page variant to ensure all of your pages are tracked.

1Log into your WhatConverts Dashboard. Select the profile you want to integrate with your Unbounce page(s) from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side (If you only have one profile, your profile will be selected by default). Click "Select" then "Tracking Code".

Find the WhatConverts Tracking Code

Copy your tracking code from the right-side page.

2Log into Unbounce. Select the Landing Page you would like to add your WhatConverts Tracking Code to. Click "Edit". Click "Javascripts" at the bottom of the page editor.

Select Javascripts in Unbounce

3Give your script a Name and select "Head" for Placement. Paste your WhatConverts Tracking Code.

Paste WhatConverts tracking script

Click "Save Code".

4"Save" and "Publish" your page.

Important:Make sure to follow these steps for each landing page and light box you want to track.

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