WhatConverts captures information from form submissions on a website. With Field Mapping, you can sort, name, combine, and organize all of your form fields from the convenience of your WhatConverts dashboard.
1Log into the WhatConverts profile you would like to use to set up Field Mapping. Navigate to the Profile menu on the left-hand menu. Select “Field Mapping.”
2Click "Add Field Mapping".
3Enter the field name as you would like it to appear within the leads manager and in your WhatConverts reports.
4Use the dropdown to select the field as it appears on your form. Click “Finish”.
You can also use field mapping to combine separate form fields into a single column within WhatConverts. For example, if your form has two separate fields for “First Name” and “Last Name,” you can use field mapping to combine this information in a single column titled “Name.”
To combine fields using field mapping, first follow steps 1-3 above.
4Use the dropdown menu to select the first form field you’d like to combine (e.g. “First Name”).
5Click “+ Add Field to Group.” Use the second dropdown menu select the second form field you’d like to combine (e.g. “Last Name”). Click “Finish”.
If you have multiple forms on your site, you may find that you want form fields with different names to map to the same field within your lead manager. For example, you may have two forms that both collect the user’s name, but they file the information separately because Form A’s field is called “Name” and Form B’s field is called “Contact Name.” With field mapping, you can combine these fields into a single mapped field called “Lead Name.”
To map multiple form fields to a single mapped field, first follow steps 1-3 above.
4After selecting your first field using the dropdown menu, click “+ Add Field Mapping Group.” Select the second form field you would like to import to the same mapped field.
5Add a new field mapping group for each additional field you would like to import to the mapped field. When you’ve added all of your groups, click “Finish.”
You can also add additional field mapping groups to a mapped field directly from the Lead Details page. Just hover over the field you’d like to add and click “Map Field,” then choose the field mapping you’d like to add it to. Click the save icon to finish.
If you have any questions, contact WhatConverts Support or email support@whatconverts.com
WhatConverts captures form submissions from existing forms on a website. Mapping your form fields allows you to see the fields, sort and organize all from the convenience of your WhatConverts dashboard.
1Identify the Field Value that you have in your form you want to map by looking at the Lead Details in your WhatConverts Dashboard that was from a submitted form. In the example below, the field we are going to map is "Favorite Color".
2In the left side menu, click "Settings" and select "Field Mapping".
Click the green "+ Add Field Mapping Value" button.
3Enter the name of the field you want to map and click "Add".
4Under Mapped Fields, find the unmapped field from your form, click the drop-down menu and select the field you created.
5Go to your WhatConverts dashboard and you will see the new mapped value displaying as a column.
You can also select and deselect this (and your other fields) by first clicking the "Show Column Display" button.
Then, select or deselect the column under Mapped Fields.
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Tracking your iframe forms in Google Analytics is important to make sure that you are attributing your conversion goals correctly.
We make form tracking easy in Google Analytics, providing complete lead information and marketing data.
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