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Help Center Integrations Google Ads Integration
ValueTrack Templates for Shopping Ads or Product Listing Ads

1Sign into your Google Ads account. Select your Shopping Campaign. Click "Settings" in the left menu.

2On the Shopping Campaign Settings page, select "Campaign URL options".

Campaign URL Options shopping campaign

Past "{lpurl}?campaign={campaignid}&content={creative}&keyword={product_id}" in the Tracking Template text box.

Click "Save".

If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email

Google Shopping Ads or Product Listing Ads work a little differently to regular Google Ads campaigns. The main difference, from a tracking point of view, is that the shopping ads don't provide a ValueTrack Parameter for Keywords.

    Note: If you integrate WhatConverts with Google Analytics or Google Ads, we can show phone calls as conversions linked to your Shopping Campaign within your Analytics and Google Ads accounts.

Instead of using the {keyword} parameter, we recommend using the {product_id}. The {product_id} is the ID of the product featured in the clicked ad, as indicated in your Merchant Center data feed.

ValueTrack Shopping Campaign Template Example

Create an Campaign Level Tracking Template for a Shopping Campaign

Sign into your Google Ads account. Select you Shopping Campaign then click on "Settings". At the bottom of the campaign settings page you will see "Campaign URL options (advanced)", select this and click "Edit" to the right of Tracking Template. Add "{lpurl}?campaign={campaignid}&content={creative}&keyword={product_id}" to the text box that appears and hit "Save".

Adding a ValueTrack template at Campaign Level

Create an Ad Group or Ad Level Tracking Template for a Shopping Campaign

Select your "Shopping Campaign", then select the checkbox next to the Ad Group you want to add the tracking template to. Select the "Edit" button and then "Change URL Options". Add "{lpurl}?campaign={campaignid}&content={creative}&keyword={product_id}" to the tracking template text box that appears and hit "Make Changes".

Adding Valuetrack Template at Ad Group Level

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