1In your WhatConverts account, click "Master Account". Select "Users".
2Click on the "Add Master Account User" button. Enter the user's email address and select a user role. Click "Next Step".
3Select the email notifications for all New Accounts, click "Next Step". Then, select all of the email notification settings for Current Accounts. Click "Finish".
Note: A Master Account User has control over all accounts under the Master Account. If you would like to just add a user to one account please take a look at How to Add an Account User.
A Master Account User has control over all accounts under the Master Account. If you would like to just add a user to one account please take a look at How to Add an Account User.
1Log into your WhatConverts Dashboard. Select "Master Account". Choose "Settings" in the left side menu and click on "Users".
2Click on the "Add Master Account User" button.
3Type in the email address of the user you would like to add and choose which notifications you would like the user to be set up to receive upon activation. Once you add an email address, they will be sent an activation email.
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