1Log into your WhatConverts account. Click the "User" icon in the top right and select "User Settings".
2Under User Settings, select "Email Notifications". There are three tabs to update your email notifications:
For more information on Master Account Management click here.
1Log into your WhatConverts dashboard, click "User" then "User Settings" in the top right corner.
2Under Notifications, select the types of email notifications that you would like to receive.
Account Users: You will see just the account(s) you have access to and can "check" or "uncheck" the boxes for the types of leads and reporting you would like to receive email notifications for.
Master Account Users: You will see every account under your master account as well as News and Billing notification options. You can "check" or "uncheck" the boxes for the types of leads and reporting you would like to receive email notifications for.
For more information on Master Account Management click here.
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