1Log into Salesforce. Click "Leads" and review the data from the test lead you created in the Sending Phone Call Leads to Salesforce or Sending Web Form Leads to Salesforce step.
2Click on the lead to add or edit any lead information, such as address, contact information, email addresses (from Phone Call leads). When finished, click "Save".
3In the right panel of the Lead Information Page, if potential duplicates are found, click "View Duplicates".
4In the View Duplicates pop-up, check the boxes next to the duplicate leads. Click "Next". Compare the leads side-by-side and choose the Master lead data. Click "Next".
Confirm the merge and click "Merge".
5Repeat this process until all duplicate leads have been combined.
If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email support@whatconverts.com
1Go to Salesforce to see the data from the test lead you created when you Connected WhatConverts to Salesforce. Log in to your Salesforce account, and click the "Leads" Tab.
2You will now be able to view all Recent Leads. The lead we generated by calling the tracking number on our demo website from Part Two will appear on the page. Click on this lead to additional lead information, such as address or contact information. When finished, click "Save".
3We need to find and merge any duplicate leads. Click "Find Duplicates" on the screen to search for duplicates.
4Under the Matching Leads menu, you can now see all duplicates. Select the duplicates you'd like to merge, and click "Merge Leads".
5Do a visual review to make sure all the selected information is the information you would like to use. When satisfied, click "Merge".
6Repeat this process until all duplicate leads have been combined. Moving forward, lead information has been condensed, allowing your sales reps to more effectively use your data.
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Choose which calls to track based on which marketing source the caller is coming from.
If you know which page a user landed on, you’ll have clues about which keywords they used to find your site.
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