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Help Center Master Accounts
Setting Up A New Account

Create an Account.

1Login into to your Master Account.
2Select the "Master Account Icon", then click "Manage Accounts".

Manage Accounts under Master Account

Click "Add Account". Enter the Account Name. Enter the website URL and click "Finish".

Create a New Profile in an Account.

1Click the "Account Icon" when you're in the account you want to add a profile to. Click "Manage Profiles".
Manage Profiles in an Account

Click "Add Profile". Enter the Profile Name. Enter the website URL and click "Finish".

Steps for setting up a new account as a Master Account user.

Create a customer account.

1Login into to your Master Account.

2Select from the side menu, "Master Account", then click "Accounts" and "Add Account".

Add Account

3Enter the Company Name for the new customer account and click "Next".

Create a new profile an account.

Profiles are automatically created for new accounts. Use this step if you would like to add additional profiles to accounts.

1Select the Account you want to add a profile to. Click "Profiles" then "Add Profile".

Add Profile
2You can now follow the instructions from the Step-by-Step Setup Guide beginning with Step 2.

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