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Connecting to Zapier

In order to set up WhatConverts triggers and workflows in Zapier, you’ll need to connect your WhatConverts account. This article will guide you through the steps to set up your Zapier integration at either the Master or Profile account level.

Before you begin, make sure you're logged into both your WhatConverts and Zapier accounts.

Connect to Zapier from within WhatConverts

1From your WhatConverts account, navigate to the Zapier integration module.

  • For Master account integrations: Open the left-hand menu and click "Master Integrations".
    Screenshot of the master integrations menu
  • For profile integrations: Navigate to the profile dashboard for the account you'd like to connect. In the top menu, click "Tracking". Click "Integrations".
    Screenshot of the Integrations menu

2Click the "Automation" tab. In the Zapier module, click "Connect". Click the orange "+ Add Connection" button.

Screenshot of the Zapier integration module

3If you are logged into Zapier, you will be prompted to authorize your WhatConverts connection. When prompted, click "Authorize". 

You will now be able to set up triggers and workflows in Zapier.

Connect to WhatConverts from within Zapier

1Navigate to your Zapier dashboard. In the left-hand menu, click "Apps".

2In the upper right-hand corner, click “+ Add Connection". Use the pop-up search bar to select WhatConverts.

Screenshot of the Zapier app search bar

3In a separate tab, navigate to your WhatConverts dashboard to retrieve your API Token and API Secret.

  • For Master account integrations: Open the left-hand menu and click "Master Integrations".
    Screenshot of the master integrations menu
  • For profile integrations: Navigate to the profile dashboard for the account you'd like to connect. In the top menu, click "Tracking". Click "Integrations".
    Screenshot of the Integrations menu

4Under “API Keys,” click “Connect.” Click “+ Generate API Key.

5Return to Zapier and paste the API Token and API Secret into the appropriate fields.

Screenshot of Zapier integration setup screen

You will now be able to set up Zapier workflows at the Master or Profile account level.

Questions? Contact WhatConverts support or email

Before using either a WhatConverts trigger or action in Zapier, you must first connect your WhatConverts account. To do that follow the steps outlined below.

1Head over to Zapier and Make a Zap. From this page you will see Choose App & Event with a search box below it, in the search box type WhatConverts. Then select the "WhatConverts" application.

2Choose Trigger Event of "New Lead". Click "Continue".

New Lead in WhatConverts Zapier

3 On the Choose Account page click "Sign in to WhatConverts".

Sign in to WhatConverts

4This will bring up a new window to Allow Zapier to access your WhatConverts Account where you will add the API Token and API Secret from your WhatConverts account. To find these values please follow the steps below based on your plan type:

Profile Level

  1. Log in to your WhatConverts account then "Select a Profile" in your account. If you have only one profile in your account it will be automatically selected.
  2. Select "Integrations". Click "API Keys".
  3. Click on "Add API Key".
  4. Your API Token will be generated and appear on the page. Click the "lock" icon to reveal the API Secret.

Master Account Level

  1. Log in to your WhatConverts account. Click "Master Account" to open your Master Account Menu. Select "Integrations" and "API Keys".
  2. Click on "Add API Key".
  3. Your API Token will be generated and appear on the page. Click the "lock" icon to reveal the API Secret.

5Copy and paste the values into the corresponding boxes in the Allow Zapier to access your WhatConverts Account window then click on "Yes, Continue".

Enter API Token and Secret

6You will now see your WhatConverts account listed under the Choose Account menu. Select the account and click "Continue".

7On the Customize Lead page, select "Yes" for all of the Lead Types you would like WhatConverts to pass to the application you're connecting to. On the last drop down menu, select the WhatConverts profile you would like to connect to. Click "Continue".

Customize incoming lead from WhatConverts in Zapier

7Click "Test & Review" to pull in sample leads from WhatConverts to set up your connection. To view your lead, click the grey down arrow. Select the radio button next to the lead and click "Done Editing".

Zapier setup

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