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Help Center Lead Management and Reporting
How to Schedule a Report

1Log into the WhatConverts Profile you want to schedule the report from. Click "Reports" in the top menu. Select "Scheduled Reports".

Scheduled Reports

2At the top of the page, click the "Add Scheduled Report" button. You can select a Standard Report, Saved/Custom Report or Leads List to schedule from the first drop down.

If you are choosing to send a Standard or Saved/Custom Report, click "Next Step".

If you are scheduling a Leads List to be sent, you can choose from the following options, then click "Next Step":

  • Available Columns: Choose the Columns you would like to include in the sent Leads List report. Selected Columns shows you which columns are already selected to be included in the report.
  • Default Sort: Choose how you would like the Leads List to be sorted upon delivery.
  • Filters: Choose if you would like to filter the data sent to the end recipient.
  • Display Chart, Column Selection, Filters and/or Export: Choose if you would like the end recipient to have the ability to change the report to view the Chart, choose their own
  • Columns, filter the data and/or export the report data.

3On the Who and when will it be sent? page, choose the following options:

  • Frequency: Select the frequency at which you would like to schedule your report to be sent. You can choose Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
  • Time: Select the Time of Day you would like the report to be sent at.
  • Send Now: Select "Yes" if you would like to send a report when you click "Finish".
  • Recipients: Click inside of the box to select the users you would like to receive this report. Recipients must be an account or master account user.

Click "Next Step".

4On the What will the email contain? page, you may edit the following:

  • Email Subject: Use this to edit the Subject Line of the report.
  • Email Content Header: Use this to edit the Header of the emailed report.
  • Email Content Body: Use this to edit the Content Body of the emailed report.

Click "Finish".

If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email

Master Account Users with a Pro or Agency plan can utilize Scheduled Reports feature to schedule and send any saved or standard WhatConverts reports to Master Account or Account users.

1Log into your WhatConverts Dashboard. Select the account you would like to schedule a report for under from the Account drop-down menu. Under Profile select "Reports" then, "Scheduled Reports".

2At the top of the page, click the "Add Scheduled Report" button. In the pop up you will see the following options:

    Enabled: Select "Yes" to enable the scheduled report to send with your settings.
    Report Name: Select the report that you would like to schedule from the drop-down
    Frequency: Select the frequency at which you would like to schedule your report to be sent. You can choose Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
    Time: Select the Time of Day you would like the report to be sent at.
    Send Now: Select "Yes" if you would like to send a report when you click "Add".
    Subscribed Users: Click inside of the box to select the users you would like to receive this report. Recipients must be an account or master account user.
    Report Email Subject: Use this to edit the Subject Line of the report.
    Report Email Content Header: Use this to edit the Header of the emailed report.
    Report Email Content Body: Use this to edit the Content Body of the emailed report.

Scheduled Reports

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