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3 Ways to Implement Call Tracking

What are your Call Tracking Options?

  • Keyword Level Tracking using Dynamic Number Pools (The most popular and recommended option)
  • Offline/Third Party Site Tracking
  • Marketing Source Tracking with Dynamic Number Insertion

Keyword Level Tracking using Dynamic Number Pools & DNI

Utilizing Dynamic Number Pools gives you the most comprehensive data of all the call tracking options; inbound call details will include the source and medium along with all the marketing data you'll need to make great marketing decisions.


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Dynamic Number Insertion

    ) is the technology we use to automatically swap the telephone number displayed on a website with a tracking number.

Using Dynamic Number Pools opens up User-Based Tracking. User data is captured and recorded with each incoming lead, including the page the user has landed on, the page they are on when they call, marketing data associated with their visit and other user based data (IP Address, Browser, Device and Operating System information).

By using a dynamic number pool, you get the full marketing picture of your incoming calls including:

  • Source
  • Medium
  • Campaign
  • Content
  • Keyword
  • Lead Page
  • Landing Page
  • User Based Data (IP Address, Browser, Operating System and Device)

In addition to seeing this data and reporting it in your WhatConverts dashboard, using Dynamic Number Pools also allows you to send conversions based on those calls back to Google Ads and Bing Ads; something that isn't available with other types of call tracking.

Offline Call Tracking

This method allows you to receive a tracking number for each offline marketing method you want to track. Examples include flyers, magazine ads, a Google My Business page or other social media profile pages.

Each time someone calls your Offline Tracking Number, the call is forwarded to your Destination Number or Call Flow. This gives us the ability to report caller information such as: Caller ID, State, Call Duration, Call Recording (if enabled) and Call Transcription (if enabled).

For more information on Offline Call Tracking and how to set up tracking offline sources, please see How do I Track my Direct Mail or Offline Marketing Sources?

Marketing Source Call Tracking with DNI

This method allows you to assign a tracking number to each individual marketing source you want to track.

For example, you are interested in tracking how many calls are generated from Google Organic. You would buy a tracking number and then simply choose the number to be triggered to swap out on your website every time a visitor arrives from Google Organic search results.

WhatConverts will report all calls from each marketing source, complete with lead details and even call recordings.

Call Tracking with DNI. Tracking Website Marketing Source.

  • Pro: You only need 1 tracking number per marketing source you want to track.
  • Con: No keyword or campaign information.
  • Con: Only tracks marketing sources you specifically setup a number for.
  • Con: You won't be able to pass conversions back to Google and/or Bing Ads.

If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email support@whatconverts.com

3 Ways to Implement Call Tracking

What are your Call Tracking Options?

  • Offline
  • Marketing Source Tracking with DNI
  • Keyword Level Tracking with DNI

Offline Call Tracking

This method allows you to receive a tracking number for each offline marketing method you want to track. Examples include a flyer, magazine ad, landing page or billboard.

Offline Call Tracking

Each time someone calls your Tracking Number, the call is forwarded to your Destination Number. This gives us the ability to report on caller information encompassing caller ID, zip, state and call duration. We can also record the call if needed.

For more information on Offline Call Tracking and how to set up tracking offline sources, please see How do I Track my Direct Mail or Offline Marketing Sources?

Marketing Source Call Tracking with DNI

This method allows you to assign a tracking number to each individual marketing source you want to track.


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Dynamic Number Insertion

    ) is the technology we use to automatically swap the telephone number displayed on a website with a tracking number. WhatConverts uses DNI to swap numbers based on marketing source.

For example, you are interested in tracking how many calls are generated from Google Organic. You would buy a tracking number and then simply choose the number to be triggered to swap out on your website every time a visitor arrives from Google Organic search results.

WhatConverts will report all calls from each marketing source, complete with lead details and even call recordings.

Tracking Website Marketing Source

Call Tracking with DNI. Tracking Website Marketing Source.

  • Pro: You only need 1 tracking number per marketing source you want to track.
  • Pro: You can set up an 'all traffic' number capable of tracking all calls in which you don't have a specific number setup to track.
  • Con: No keyword or campaign information.
  • Con: Only tracks marketing sources you specifically setup a number for.

Dynamic Number Pool Tracking with DNI

This method creates a pool of telephone numbers that are swapped out based on unique user sessions.

When a visitor arrives on your website, a tracking number is extracted from the pool and displayed on the website. The tracking number will follow the user session so that when the user calls the tracking number, all of his/her marketing data is captured by WhatConverts. At the end of the user session, the number is released back into the pool, where it is available for the next user session.

The amount of numbers in the pool is determined by the amount of visitors perusing your website simultaneously.

WhatConverts will report all calls from each source, complete with lead details and call recordings (if you have call recording enabled).

Tracking Website Marketing Source, Keyword and Campaign Data

Call Tracking with DNI. Tracking Website Marketing Source, Keyword and Campaign Data.

  • Pro: Easy setup. Create one pool of numbers and we'll track all sources, keywords and campaigns automatically.
  • Pro: All marketing data is available from keywords and campaigns to the ad version and landing page.
  • Pro: For low traffic sites, you are able to track more sources with fewer tracking numbers.
  • Con: For high traffic websites, you'll need a larger pool of numbers.

WhatConverts is flexible and allows you to use a combination of DNI methods. For example, you can use Keyword Tracking for paid search tools (AdWords and Bing Ads) and Marketing Source for organic search tools (Bing, Google and Yahoo).

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