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How do I Delete a Profile?

1Log into the WhatConverts profile you wish to delete.

Important: Deleting profiles will remove all leads that have been tracked. It will also remove all phone numbers and forms associated with this profile. Your phone numbers will be released and no longer forwarded to your own designated number.

2Select the "Profile Icon" on the left. Click "Additional Settings".

Profile Additional Settings

3On the left menu, under Additional Settings, select "Delete Profile". Click the checkbox to confirm you would like to delete the profile and click "Delete Profile".

Deleting a profile from your account is a simple process.

Important: Deleting profiles will remove all leads that have been tracked. It will also remove all phone numbers and forms associated with this profile. Your phone numbers will be released and no longer forwarded to your own designated number.

1Navigate to that profile in your account.

2Select "Settings" and "Delete Profile".

Delete Profile

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