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Sending Phone Calls to Pipedrive

To set up Pipedrive to receive phone calls from WhatConverts, you'll need to add custom Lead ID fields for the Person and Lead/Deal categories.

1Go to your Pipedrive account. Go to "Company Settings" by clicking your User Icon in the top right corner. Under the Company section, select "Data Fields". Click the "Add Custom Field" button. Select "Person Field".

Choose "Numerical" as your field type. Enter the Field Name: "LeadID". Check all of the Field Properties boxes. Click "Save".

Note: You will need an API Key to set up custom fields in Pipedrive. You can find this by selecting the three dots at the end of the row.

Copy API Key in Pipedrive

Click the "Add Custom Field" button. Select "Lead/Deal Field".

Choose "Numerical" as your field type. Enter the Field Name: "LeadID". Check all of the Field Properties boxes. Click "Save".

2Log into your Zapier account and click "Make a Zap". Select "WhatConverts" as the Trigger App. Select "New Lead" Trigger. Click "Continue".
Select New Lead as the Trigger in Zapier

Connect your WhatConverts account and click "Continue".

On the Set up trigger page, select "Yes" only for "Phone Calls (completed)". Select your profile from the drop down and click "Continue".

Select "Test trigger". Select a lead from the drop-down and click "Continue".

Note: If no lead is found, place a test phone call and re-test this step of your Zap.

3Select "Pipedrive" as your Action app and "Create Person" as your Action Event. Click "Continue". Connect your Pipedrive Account with Zapier and click "Continue".

We highly recommend setting up Field Mapping prior to completing this step.

On the Set up action page, set your fields to the following below.

  • Name: Caller Name
  • Phone: Caller Number
  • Lead ID: Lead ID

Set up action for Pipedrive phone calls

Click "Continue". Select "Test & Continue". Turn your Zap "On".

4Go to Pipedrive and select "Contacts" and then select "People". The contact lead form information from WhatConverts will now be displaying within the list.

See a contact within Pipedrive
If you have any questions, please contact WhatConverts Support or email

1Go to your PipeDrive account. Go to "Settings" and select the “Customize Fields” option. Click on the “People” tab and select the, “Add a Field” button.
Pipedrive add field

Choose “Numerical” as your field type. Enter the Field Name: “LeadID”. Click "Save".
Pipedrive Numerical

In the chart, make sure the LeadID Field Name has Show in Add New dialog set to “Yes” and Important set to “Yes”.

Note: The “Field API key” located in the last field.

Pipedrive Field List

2Log into your Zapier account and click "Make a Zap". Select "WhatConverts" as the Trigger App. Select “New LeadTrigger. Click “Continue”. Connect your WhatConverts account and continue to the Customize Lead page.

On the Customize Lead page, select "Yes" only for "Phone Calls (completed)". Select your profile from the drop down and click "Continue". Select "Test and Review". Once the test is successful and you are satisfied with the lead, click "Continue".

3Select "PipeDrive" as your Action App and "Create or Update a Person" as your Action. Click "Continue”. Connect your PipeDrive Account with Zapier by clicking on the, “Connect an Account” button. Enter your PipeDrive API token and click "Save & Continue".

    • Your PipeDrive API token can be found by going to "


    • ", "


    • " and "


    • " located under the


    category in your PipeDrive account.

Edit the data to pass from WhatConverts into PipeDrive by setting your fields to the following below. Make sure to click “Insert A Field” to the right of each field.

    • Name: Caller Name

Additional Fields Your Name

    • Phone: Caller Number

Additional Fields Email

    • Lead ID: Lead ID

Additional Fields Lead ID

Once all the fields are set click on the “Continue” button. View your data and click the “Finish” button. Name your Zap and turn your Zap "On".

4Go to PipeDrive and select “Contacts” under the navigation menu; select “People” under the drop down menu. The contact lead form information from WhatConverts should now be displaying within PipeDrive.

Pipedrive Test Phone Call

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