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Tracking Bing & Yahoo Ads

The simplest way to allow WhatConverts to track Bing and Yahoo Ads visitors is to enable auto-tagging for your Bing Ads account.

For more information to on how to setup auto-tagging check out the article Auto-Tagging of Destination URLs in Bing Ads.

Bing Ads Example

Parameters that Bing Ads passes to WhatConverts through auto-tagging:

  • Source: Reported from Bing Ads as "bing".
  • Medium: Reported from Bing Ads as "cpc".
  • Campaign: The "Campaign Name" that triggered the ad click.
  • Content: The "Ad Group Name" that triggered the ad click.
  • Term (Keyword): The bidded "Keyword" that triggered the ad click.

The simplest way to allow WhatConverts to track Bing and Yahoo Ads visitors is to enable auto-tagging for your Bing Ads account.

For more information to on how to setup auto-tagging check out the article Auto-Tagging of Destination URLs in Bing Ads.

Bing Ads Lead Tracking

Parameters that Bing Ads passes to WhatConverts through auto-tagging:

  • Source: Reported from Bing Ads as "bing".
  • Medium: Reported from Bing Ads as "cpc".
  • Campaign: The "Campaign Name" that triggered the ad click.
  • Content: The "Ad Group Name" that triggered the ad click.
  • Term (Keyword): The bidded "Keyword" that triggered the ad click.
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