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How do I Track Calls on Third Party Sites?

1Log into your WhatConverts profile. Click "Tracking" in the top menu. Select "Calls", then "Phone Numbers".

Where to find phone numbers in WhatConverts

2Click "+ Add Phone Number". Select "Advanced Setup". Choose "Offline" and click "Next Step". Move the slider to "1". Choose the Country, Phone Number Type (Local or Toll Free) and Area Code and click "Find Numbers". Select a number that will be used to track calls on a third party site (such as Facebook, Yelp or Kijiji) and click "Next Step".

Choose a single static number for tracking

3Enter the Destination Number that you are forwarding your calls to and give your phone number a name that will identify where the phone number is listed (such as "Yelp"). Click "Next Step".
The next few prompts will guide you through setting up these tracking numbers to ensure you have all the features that you're looking for:

  • Call Recording
  • Call Greetings (a message that is played to the caller)
  • Call Whisper (a message that is played to the call recipient)
  • Tracking Text Messages
  • Call Transcription
  • PCI Redaction

Once you are satisfied with the settings you've chosen, click "Finish".

4Update the phone number on your third party site with the number you have just obtained.

WhatConverts offers solutions for call tracking for all of your marketing materials, online and offline. You can track calls on third party sites (such as Facebook, Yelp or Google My Business) using an Offline Tracking Number.

Create an Offline Tracking Number for your Third Party Site

1Go to your WhatConverts dashboard. Under Profile, select "Tracking" and click "Phone Numbers".
2Click "Add Phone Number". Select between Local and Toll Free and click "Buy Number". In the prompt, give your phone number an easily recognizable name that identifies your marketing campaign or direct mail piece, enter your Destination Number, choose your call options and select "Offline" for Where will this number be displayed.

Note:This tracking number will only be used for offline marketing materials. Setting the number to "Offline" for Where will this number be displayed allows you to track calls that come directly from the third party site.

Offline Tracking Number

Click "Update".

3Place your new Tracking Number on the third party site you would like to track calls from.

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