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Help Center Lead Tracking Form Tracking
Why Does the Form Integration Tool say my form Already Exists?

When adding a new form to track in your WhatConverts account, you may encounter the following error in the Form Integration Tool:

Error This form already exists

This happens if you're trying to add a form that is already integrated in your WhatConverts profile.

WhatConverts uses the Form ID, Name, Action or Class attribute to track your form. Some form builders use the same attribute for all of the forms you have on your page.

Example: Contact Form 7 uses the Form Class of "wpcf7-form" by default and if you have integrated one of these forms, all of the Contact Form 7 forms will track from your site.

When adding a new form to track in your WhatConverts account, you may encounter the following error in the Form Integration Tool:

Web form exists

This will happen if you're trying to add a form that is already integrated in your WhatConverts account.

WhatConverts uses the Form ID, Name, Action or Class attribute to track your form. Some form builders use the same attribute for all of the forms you have on your page.

    Example: Contact Form 7 uses the Form Class of "wpcf7-form" by default and if you have integrated one of these forms, all of the Contact Form 7 forms will track on your page.

If you still have questions or need help setting up your forms, email us at

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