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Form Tracking on Wix

Tracking your forms from your Wix page is a quick and easy addition to get the most from your WhatConverts account and your marketing.

1Add your WhatConverts Tracking Code to your Wix site

2Locate the form(s) you would like to track in your Wix page. Copy the URL.

3In the WhatConverts profile you want to track the form in, click "Tracking" from the top menu. Select "Forms" and select "Web Forms.
Web Form Selection

Click "+ Add Web Form". Select "Form Finder". Paste the URL and click "Find Form". Select the Contact Form from your site and click "Finish".

4Go back to the page your form is on. Fully refresh the page and send a test submission through. Go back to the WhatConverts profile. Click "Leads in the top menu. You will see your test form under the Lead Manager.

Wix New Form Lead

If you have any questions, please contact WhatConverts Support or email

Tracking your forms in WhatConverts from your Wix Page is a quick and easy addition to get the most from your WhatConverts account and your marketing.

After adding your WhatConverts Tracking Code, you can start tracking your forms in a few clicks.

1Locate the form(s) you would like to track in your Wix page. Copy the URL.

2In your WhatConverts profile, select "Tracking" then "Web Forms". At the top of the page, click "+ Add Web Form". Paste the URL and click "Go". Locate the Contact Form from your site and click "Add".

Add Form ID from Wix

3Go back to the page your form is on. Fully refresh the page and send a test submission through. Go to your WhatConverts Dashboard and find your test form submission.


    • To simulate a Google Ads click append


    to the end of your URL before sending a test form submission.

Form tracking for wix

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