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Why is my Web Form not Found?

In some cases, our form finder is unable to find forms on a page.

This can happen if the form is loaded inside of an iframe or appears on the website via a third-party embed code. We have the following help articles that will guide you through setting up your forms if they cannot be found with the Form Finder.

If you have any questions, please contact us here: Contact WhatConverts Support or email

In some cases, our form finder is unable to find forms on a page. This typically happens in cases where forms are loaded in pop-ups or iframes. If this applies to your forms, use the URL that loads the form in the pop-up or iframe. Please note to track leads for these forms, your tracking script must be installed on these pages as well. If you are unable to find the URL, please contact our support team and we will be happy to help you.

If you are still unable to find the form after searching the pop-up or iframe URL you may need to manually identify the form attributes.

1Go to the page with your form. With your mouse, right-click the page and select "View Page Source".
View Page Source
2Search for "<form" on the page source code by using "CTRL + F". This will help identify each instance of a form on your page.
3You are looking for a code similar to: <form method="post" id="gform_1" action="contact-us"> In this example, the "ID" is "gform_1".
4Go back to Add Web Form in your WhatConverts dashboard by clicking "Tracking", then "Web Forms". Click the green "Add Web Form" button at the top of the page.
Web Forms
5Select "Advanced Integration".
Add Web Form Advanced
6Set Attribute Type to "ID". Set "Attribute Value" to "gform_1". Click "Add".

For detailed instructions on manually setting up your Web Forms, click here.

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